renaissance mamas class

RM: the class.

this is how we do it in the renaissance mama kitchen.....gathering, grounding, taking this vitally needed time to be together, to have a tea inside the palm of your hand, warm & quiet, to calm your heart & nourish self. to nurture this piece in us... this place that is starving for that vitality that is in each of us yet too exhausted to come out...we find her in here...we find her in the food, we find her in the mixing, stirring, folding, creating... we inspire this vitality together without really knowing when you leave you are full with inspiration, excitement...i guess it's called sated... this is what happens here...i am a firm believer in abundance...when you see can't help but want to be around it...overflowing food in wooden feeds something in means we will be fed here..... when it comes to food grown within an hour or two of our homes, still vibrating from their beds in the earth & the hands that picked them.....when it comes to simple & fancy things like a silver spoon or a round water vessel.... when it comes to experiences in the kitchen & taking care of self while nourishing family.....i vote YES. i gather food from all the local farmers... for the seasonal dishes of rustic beauty we create...i inspire with some self-deprication because it comes naturally and because we are in this together....we have kids & we have no time.... we can usually all agree on that...besides drama with our families, our struggles & then add on our challenges to get food on the table let alone try not to lose our minds seem to be similar.... i share ideas on how to do this, themes, daily inflections & ask lots of questions.. we talk about how it's going in the kitchen... where the connection and disconnection is for feeding ourselves & our families.. schedules, life, chaos & every single color comes up .... and it's all welcome here. i give homework & gifts too. i am on call for questions about all things food....(if i don't have this... can i use this?)...we will also invite guests to come & share their kitchen culture... and there are some field trips in store too! there is no way to hone in and define what happens here in this magical class... when women & food get together....the only way i can come close to describing it is renaissance mamas... see you in the kitchenxxx

the thursday class is here in los angeles from 10 -1 pm... if you are interested in gathering with us.. please email me & i will send you all the information. we would love to have you. i am open to having classes in different parts of town & abroad. if there is demand, we can create anything. there is also a renaissance ladies class opening if that is of interest. gift certificates are available for the classes. we do gatherings for special events... if you want some renaissance mama action... we will make it happen.