original pies — Musings — jules blaine davis

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original pies

salty honey pie.

it's another baked good
it's all i seem to be good for these days
don't give up on me
there will be more on carrots & kale soon
there was a lot of applause, applause, applause
for this one on thanksgiving
so i am giving the readers what they want
(i hope)
this is a great one to bring
to the holiday shmoliday gathering

salty honey pie
(inspired by lottie & doof)

1 single pie crust
1 stick/1/4 lb unsalted butter
3/4(or less)of cane sugar
1 tbs cornmeal
1/2 tsp kosher salt
1 tsp vanilla
(or vanilla paste)
3/4 cup honey
3 large eggs
1/2 cup heavy cream
2 tsp white vinegar
1-2 tsp maldon sea salt
(for finishing)

preheat oven to 375
in a medium bowl, mix butter,
sugar, cornmeal, salt & vanilla
stir in honey & eggs
one at a time
followed by cream & vinegar

they want you to strain this... 
i did not and i am proud of it. 
straining big amounts of sweet
sticky stuff is not my thing...

i gracefully poured
it all in the pie shell
that i did give a little
melted butter painting to..

then i put it in the oven
on a cookie sheet for any drips & drops
in the middle rack 45 - 50 minutes
turning it around once at the half mark
look for edges to be puffed up high, edges set
and no more liquid in the center
that means she's cooked!

let cool and then sprinkle maldon
salt all over it like below

serves 8 - 10
it's so sweet that
it could possibly
serve more
enjoy beauties
this is what it looks like
what a beauty!

and now for this sweet holiday
plug from our sponsors....

you wanna give yourself or a dear friend
some inspiration, beauty, love, healing,
& connection in the kitchen?

one of the most amazing holiday gifts you 
could give someone is a kitchen healing
or a beauty love fest session to cook
with me for a day in their kitchen!