a thousand mornings

one world soup.

poem of one world

this morning

the beautiful white heron 

was floating along above the water

and then into the sky of this

the one world

we all belong to

where everything 

sooner or later 

is a part of everything else

which thought made me feel 

for a little while

quite beautiful myself

-mary oliver/

a thousand mornings

my wonderful writing teacher says you need to read 

poetry out loud to really hear it, understand it, feel it 

this one is worth your voice

for the last 2 weeks my family and i have been 

traveling the terrain of our immunity; 

pot holes, 

mud slides, hard times with the flu 

sore throats, 

head colds, fevers, a killer cough


i know it's the farthest thing from 


to feel our bodies ache, heat up and

try to process this world

then i read this poem and i thought

we all do this

we all get down 

& we fight this flu

these colds 

we all have to stop 

we all have to allow 

our bodies to get well 

there is a one world beauty in that to me

so here is my one world  soup

for you or a friend who might need 

this hot love remedy asap

one world soup


1 onion chopped

2 repunzel herb bullion

2-3 garlic cloves

tons of herbs 

(whatever you got)

parsley, dill, cilantro, thyme

chopped or cut into pot

3+ carrots chopped

3 celery stalks chopped

3+ asparagus

6 - 8 cups of water

lemon if desired

*rock it*

pour 2 wrist rounds 

of olive oil

into soup pot

on medium 

put onions in 

crumble bullion in

add garlic

add herbs

let it all steep &

get to know each other

soften & glaze

add veggies

stir around

add water 

bring to a boil

lid on & low

*love it*

may need

salt or bullion

add lemon if want 

can strain for broth too

love yourself thru this

we are all in this together

stay well beauties
