recipes — Musings — jules blaine davis

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everything but the kitchen sink soup.




what do you do when it's 100 degrees outside? make soup! i know that i am not turning on that oven today. that is clear.  i get out one of my favorite tools the rice cooker, slow cooker, sauté all in one. i sauté a sweet onion, a bit of garlic, a vegan bullion, maybe squeeze some tomato paste in there... and let the rumpus begin. this is when i open the fridge and start cleaning it out like a mad woman. i gather tons of veggies, chop them all up and throw them into the now glassy onion saute... this is the everything but the kitchen sink soup... with some parsley and basil too. i have found, in my extensive research, that the most important part to any soup is the sweet base. and the LOVE. the EASE which helps create the love. i didn't peel any veggies for this except the one yam i put in for more sweetness. sometimes the hottest day can be a soup day. you just never know what your body is going to do when you let your mind go. here is to a hot soup on the hottest day of the year! it might just cool you down....


everything but the kitchen sink soup

aka: yummy veggie soup

olive oil

sweet onion 

tomato paste


vegan bullion








but the kitchen sink!

add parmesan or a yummy cheese if you want!


saute onion and olive oil, garlic, paste, bullion... then add everything else after about 5 - 10 minutes.. add 2-3 cups of water... let it boil then simmer or put the slow cooker on... enjoy beauties! leave a comment below and let me know how you goxxxx



squash blossoms.

in the summer months, we see these fragile beauties and we wonder... what the heck to do with those? when you are the market, the beauty may call to you reach into your pocket for your last 5 or 6 dollars. you bring them home and watch them everyday wondering what to do .... the beauty feeds you so you sustain. then, one day you look in the back of the fridge and you see them: all wilted and brown. yes, we all know this feeling. life got ahead of the beauty and then hid it in the back so even with the time you didn't have to look up what to do.. the beauty was lost. OY... ok, ok.. so this is a very quick and yummy recipe to make when you get home with those blossoms.



2-3 EGGS




1. mix up a few eggs with a dash of salt in a big wide bowl.

2. drop the blossoms in the eggs and let them swim around a bit.

3. then put out a wide plate of flour... you can use pamela's pancake mix (gluten-free) or any flour you have..

4. make sure your pan is HOT.. i love an iron-clad with a good amount of oil...any oil. i use olive oil with this.  

5. you also will need a plate near you or a town paper bag to place the hot fried blossom on...

6. you can coat each blossom on the flour plate and then into the hot pan.

7. let them cook a few minutes on each side.. then take them out to cool ...

sure, you can fill the middle with goat cheese or something yummy as well. that's it! easy and everyone eats them 'round here. let me know how you go xxxx

summer crumble.

hi beauties!

this is the first blog post on my new site! i am so grateful that you are here with me. this has been a long labor of eight years in creating a sacred space to share this movement, to talk about turning on our fire, to call forth awakening our hunger to discover how we nourish and how we were nourished inside our food story. this movement started here, on the blog, with my hunger to create a way to nourish my needs & their needs, my wants & their wants, my dreams & their dreams and more.... with my hands on the keyboard like throwing the dough, flattening it out, adding flour, rolling it up, i started writing it over and over again. i am grateful for those of you who have been with me since the beginning. many of you are friends or have become friends, who feed and nourish me with your stories, your showing up to gatherings, your reflecting back to me what it is that i am up to with this important and delicious work. i am so excited for our community to grow, to truly help each other grow, to inspire each other to buy the flowers, to stop the comparing and drop down deep for the connections we are so hungry for and to support each other in healing with beauty, with story, with permission and freedom. this is the conversation i will continue to offer up here and more of course. 

speaking of flour...lets make the easiest crumble ever. here is one of my summer favorites. this can be used with any fruit that create a juicy base.. berries, ripe pears and more. 








here are peeled peaches, cut in cubes, steeping in their own gorgeousness with a a little sugar to sweeten up the insanely sweet love fest happening here ....put the oven on 375 bake... 

here are peeled peaches, cut in cubes, steeping in their own gorgeousness with a a little sugar to sweeten up the insanely sweet love fest happening here ....put the oven on 375 bake... 

put all of the ingredients together in one: melted butter, flour, sugar, cinnamon, salt....looks like a planet i want to visit. 

put all of the ingredients together in one: melted butter, flour, sugar, cinnamon, salt....looks like a planet i want to visit. 

mix it all up with a wood spoon or a spatula you love, you want your tools to feel good in your hand and in your heart, everything tells a story ....

mix it all up with a wood spoon or a spatula you love, you want your tools to feel good in your hand and in your heart, everything tells a story ....

grab a sweet hand or two to help with this part or get in their yourself, i love to crumble the crumble! another tip: it gets real juicy in the fire, so make sure to put your crumble on a baking sheet so you don't set the fire alarm off...…

grab a sweet hand or two to help with this part or get in their yourself, i love to crumble the crumble! another tip: it gets real juicy in the fire, so make sure to put your crumble on a baking sheet so you don't set the fire alarm off... i learned from experience! it goes in for about 40 minutes or so depending on your oven.

voila! browned and CRISP. solo or with vanilla ice cream of course. you already knew that... i can be so silly around sweets. enjoy beauties xxxx 

voila! browned and CRISP. solo or with vanilla ice cream of course. you already knew that... i can be so silly around sweets. enjoy beauties xxxx 

lets keep the conversation going. let me know how you go. more soon beauties xxxx oh and for more crumble or quick desert recipes you can archive the blog right here on the site xxxxjules