why is it so hard to slow down?
i hunger for the slow down...not too slow
of course! it seems to go in waves, all of these
pieces of the puzzle: the school fundraisers,
the soccer games, the holidays,
all of the needs, the needs, the needs,
the new beginnings into the eye of many
storms with all that we put on ourselves
i need to breathe just writing about it!
one practice that slows me down
is making time to create with o & b
i love tuning into the other languages
inside me with color and texture
what is hungry in there?
what do i feel like in those realms?
we will make a time in the day
maybe when they are home healing
or on a weekend to create together
i prepare the art table with paint,
rocks, leaves, sticks. we have a basket
of random things we collect on walks or trips
we will put the music on and begin a color story.
painting is another way i nourish
my body, my heart break, my hunger
it can be it's own feast of prayers
and intentions to manifest our deepest
desires or our wish for the day whether it
be rocks for the altar
gifts for those you love
or just simply listening to another voice inside
being mindfully mindless together