slowwww saute with my abuela.

it's been a summer of deep transformation over here....
discovering new depths of healing
the various shapes of being in my body
noticing how i open my heart for surgery
my awareness to my own suffering
getting real honest with what i carry around
and inside all of this, i am breathing, a lot.

what i mean by breathing is i get up at the
crack of dawn, slowly walk up the stairs
on my tippy-toes, (praying not to wake up
the freedom takers) sit on the patio
for as long as i can and breathe.

during this transformation, i have been hungry for round
thick vessels to warm the lightness of cherry heart tomatoes,
creamy zucchini varieties, yams and sweet onions which is
what is above in the picture and on the stove right now!
the vessel is a gorgeously round clay pot called cazuela.
it feels like there are stories, hands, elders and travels
cooking up my nourishment in the cazuela
which i really want to call my abuela ;).
i am hungry for this slowness of the saute, the
natural rhythm of the story, the offering of the pot. 
my hunger doesn't seem to be getting old
so i thought i would share it with you beauties!

you can use any pot of course!!! don't let anything stop you!
get out your biggest, most round pot and start chopping
vegetables to throw in there. my favorite is starting with a base of
chopped sweet onion,
olive oil and a bit of garlic
so that whatever veggies you put in will be sweet!
today i threw all of the veggies mentioned above
and then added the macadamia nut pesto on top
with some roasted carrots....
yes to a total love fest over here
sending love to you beautiesxxxx
(now go turn on the fire!)