there is a way, a place, a happening to
to talk about our hunger, our needs, our nourishment.
where does food & eating align in your everyday?
what is your food story?
where are you inside of everyone's needs?
where is your hunger hanging out these days?
hungry mother is a safe space for women to gather,
receive support, nourishment, inspiration & beauty creating
a new way of feeling into food, how you nourish yourself,
& your family inside of your busy life.
we will feast on seasonal wood board love that
i gather with love & beauty at the farmers market
every woman is welcome!
mamas, sisters, daughters, grandmas, doulas... all of you!
this is for YOU, please come sans the babes unless
you have tiny ones who need your nourishment.
this is also a beautiful way to connect with
friends, family or clients in a deeper way giving
new language to intimate & possibly vulnerable terrain.
hungry mother is a support group happening
at bini birth in sherman oaks on fridays from 1 - 2:30 pm.
the first class starts this friday, may 16. sign up here.