what journey are you on? — jules blaine davis

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what journey are you on?

i am so grateful to be featured on the website journey for earth. annabel ruffell creates this beautiful space where she explores & interviews people's passions, intentions and manifestations in the world... she begins each conversation with the question what journey are you on? it has taken me months to answer her! it's a pretty HUGE question. annabel is a beauty mama, an artist, a writer and a creator of this movement with journey for earth.. 
here is part of our interview... hope you love itxxxx (check out her website here! it's really wonderful)

My name is Annabel Ruffell and I am the founder of Journey for Earth, a socially conscious media company that shares the personal journeys of inspiring individuals making a positive impact in the world.

The intention with these interviews is that they inspire people to take action in any way that they can for our planet – humanity, environment, animals and also to inspire us to be the best that we can be on our journey through life, for ourselves, our community and our world.

A friend introduced me to Jules and her wonderful, colorful food blogging site. I love that she has this beautifully creative connection with food and making healthy eating a joyful lifestyle. Yes it is possible within our busy lives!

Jules Blaine Davis inspires and nourishes people to reconnect with their kitchen, their food story and their hunger for beauty. She is cooking up a culture where we connect with our food in a new way; redefining what nourishes us and teaching us how to cook local, delicious and simple food inside our busy lives. Jules is a food writer/poet, a kitchen healer, mama to two zen masters (ocean and beauty) and on most days, she is funny. You can find her musings on motherhood & beauty, simple recipes, finds at the farmers market and more on her blog www.julesblainedavis.com. You can also follow her daily food inspiration on instagram @julesbdavis. 

Jules has seasonal classes in her kitchen called miracles.
She also comes to you for one-on-one cooking sessions and consultations
You can see a list of Jules services at www.julesblainedavis.bigcartel.com

1) What Journey are You on?

The first thought that comes to mind is what journey am I not on!!!? I feel like I am on a million journeys like so many colorful wires all braided, knotted and aligned in some beautiful mess all going in the same direction. We are in a time where the opportunity to be passionate, inspired and connected is all around us, it’s in every moment, to how long we keep the faucet on to what socks we wear to how we parent, how we educate, what we eat…pick your passion! In our normal day to day, every decision we make seems to lead to a journey we are on, let alone something outside the home or outside ourselves. With that said, my journey is one of connection, nourishment, beauty, growing out from under resistance and fear, changing patterns that no longer serve me, living inside a vulnerable & intimate experience, beginning a conversation with joy and creating a culture that is inspired to nourish with beauty and be free of the noise inside.

My journey is a creative movement, where so many of those colorful wires converge and converse to exchange ideas & thoughts, building something that can teach us a better, more efficient and loving way to live.

2) What has been one of your greatest challenges over the years, either with the work that you do or in another area of your life, and how did you overcome it?

So many challenges!! There a lot of those too! I would say one of my challenges is balance. Time is so precious at this phase in my life.
continue reading the interview here....xxxx
