banana ice cream.

you have mired, you have swam, you have (possibly) sunk inside
my super wordy posts in the last week! i am so grateful for your
sweet replies & emails, in turn i am giving you a sweet recipe from
the secret archives...i am feeling your hunger for a recipe!
this is one of those super easy, fun & healthy snacks to make
with the kids! i love when we can make something sweet that will
not end in flour murals on the floor for me to clean up later....
(note to self: freeze your bananas when they begin to
ripen & brown for this ice cream & smoothies!)

banana ice cream
frozen organic** bananas
(peeled & wrapped in wax paper bags)
**i say organic b/c you want the best
tasting banana you can find**
a cuisineart
chocolate chips
peanut butter

*work it*
as you see in the pic above
you place the bananas
in the cuisineart & add
whatever you want
in terms of flavor
push it on &
watch it whirl!
it's amazing how it
thaws out into the creamiest
ice cream like texture
it may take a bit
as those bananas can be
pretty frozen to break down

super fun to watch it go round
and round with the kids
then they can get all ready
with their toppings to make it theirs
i scream, we all scream
for banana ice cream!
(by the way... i really do love
those flour murals....)

i would love to hear how it
goes for you & your family!
did you love it? not so much?
what happened?
big love beauties