hello beauties!
i am excited to invite you to first renaissance mama saturday workshop for women!
i am finding more and more that i am my kitchen. when it's empty, i feel a strong desire to fill it. when i feel off, overwhelmed, all over the map: i go into my kitchen to nurture myself whether it be opening an apricot, warming a tea or watering the flowering basil on my window altar. whatever is happening in my super busy world, the kitchen (over and over again) proves to be the warmth, the ground, the core and the beauty that calls to me amidst the chaos.
i feel like there are many corners to our kitchens, ourselves & our lives waiting to be explored in this way... with a new kind of compass, a desire to go deeper and the courage to listen to this innate wisdom... we can begin to hear ourselves, what we hunger for & then can we understand the deep need of nourishing & sating this gorgeous hunger... living in a place of abundance, awareness, aliveness instead of starvation.
when we gather together in an intimate way... when we are nourished, loved & heard.. when we allow our expression, our wisdom to have a voice through color, word, canvas, soil, seeds, watering ourselves to create, grow, allowing ourselves to just be & grow... when we give the noise a break and listen to the heart, the belly, our beautiful bodies...something magical happens.... this is the saturday workshop.
10 - 3
includes nourishing food all day
inspiring recipes & the know how to
make it happen in your day to day
empowering ideas & basics in the kitchen
creative supplies & tools
food offerings, creations & gifts to take home
a safe & sacred space to be nourished on many levels
these gatherings are intimate. reserve your space asap.
i am excited to feed each other. see you in the kitchenxxxx