cube yams, keep the skins.
a wide rimmed bowl for freedom & some sage.....
roast on 400 or 415, for 20 or so minutes, check in with a fork and enjoy...
i am swimming inside days that are almost pasted together.... each day, like kids art left in the rain, magical moments on paper, one on top of another, stuck together. impossible to separate the pieces or the days... impossible to clarify what is happening in each 8 x 10 & in 24, 48, 72 hours... and what is stuck together makes a new kind of art, kinda like paper mache days: nebulous, foggy, surreal, exhausted... and then there are moments of bright color, surprise hours of sleep that catch me deep & off gaurd... a smile, the cutest fist in the air, a milky tongue ...
there is nothing like roasting's incredibly easy and satisfying. cubing the veggies is another story... you say: 'i have no time to make those cubes?' yeah... i get it. i think when it comes to time, it's all about what we choose to do with the little, precious amounts that we have...
on this day, beauty napped and i had yams that were calling me into the kitchen... oh and a butternut that would not stop staring at me from the dining room table... she was so incredibly bored sitting on the table (for a few weeks) and i was tired of the looks.... so i peeled her, scooped out her seeds and cut/diced her into cubes... the peeler for this job is here.
i keep the skin on the yams because it lends a slight crunch and yummy taste to the finished product. and yes, there was some care in this prep....
i needed to be in the kitchen, simple happenings with a bread knife that took about 15 minutes.
it felt good for hours. i guess that's where i live... if it takes a little more time (i am not making a phyllo dough folks) and will nourish me: sign me up.
it's rustic, easy & almost had a self soothing affect.
it always feels good when food is made, warm under a beautiful towel you love, sitting on the stove top like a gift, as though someone came over and made you food... that is the feeling i am talking about... loving yourself through cubes and an extra ten minutes...
try it.
see you in the kitchenxxxRM