i have been steeping & listening to some new callings that the renaissance mama muse has been hinting at for a few months... it's as though she has been leaving notes under my spatula reminding me of the essence, the core of what renaissance mamas is, the recipe in which it was conceived and the evolution it continues to take... the notes read 'empower' 'expand' 'grow' 'confidence' 'sating your creativity & nourishing yourself to nurture others' these are definitely words in the soil that RM grows out of...it's also where the fuel comes from to be this renaissance mama who cooks, works, creates, sates self and has energy to keep nourishing her family....
this is so incredibly possible with the know how, the support & the cleansing of old ideas whether it be resistance or fear (bring on the list)...and now it's not just about inspiring you.... it's about EMPOWERING you to be confident in the kitchen, to take back your kitchen & be inspired by all that is growing around us... SO what's this mama to do? BUILD! GROW! EXPAND this amazing renaissance mama community & create more support then we we will ever need! so...
i am going on tour!! i want to come to your kitchen and create that connection you have been yearning for... falling in love with your space, getting rid of what you don't need, having the essential tools to make the most beautiful, rustic meals all the time, gathering together at the market closest to you & cooking FOOD for everyone to eat...learning how to feed each other within your community of mamas and friends... have you been curious about what it is i am actually doing?? invite me over and a few of your mama community and lets get this party started!! renaissance mamas has been one on one consulting in the kitchen which continues....
and now a new branch on the RM tree is launching: RM on tour - classes on how to create your own renaissance mama kitchen in one of your kitchens!! and what is a renaissance mama kitchen? it's a kitchen that serves you, that inspires you, that nourishes you.... this means EVERYONE can have a renaissance mama kitchen regardless of your finances, your time, your schedule....all you need is the desire, the hunger for this nourishment and we will make it happen. no one should have to wait to have this piece. we must start feeding each other all the time... see you in the kitchen for reals this time xxx
**for more information: RM on tour in your kitchen & where i am headed please email me via the blog (you can reply to this and i will get it in my inbox or comment here!)**