
here are a few of my tools that go wherever i go...

1. timer.. it's cute and it ticks aloud
2. mits that fit my hands and cute too
3. bread knife.. one tool that cuts everything... fast.

it's essential to have the right tools in your kitchen & here are few rules to go with gathering your tools..

first: you must love the tool.. whether it's the feel of the tool in your hand, the color, the look of it, the way it feels/looks in your space. two: the impact it had being born on the planet... i am a huge believer in quality over anything else... cooking is a craft & it requires the best tools.. if you use crappy tools, you will have a crappy time of cooking... and it works the other way around.. when you have a tool that you admire and respect, you begin to feel that with what you gather, create & cook. three: quality tools.. yep they do cost. you can save up & get the most important thing first and create a wish list of things you know you need. we are a country of consumers of what we never use!! so when it comes down to actually spending a little more on what you will use everyday ( 2 -3 meals a day), we resist....we really won't buy it because we believe we could use that money to buy so much more... yeah, so much more of what we won't ever use.... we have all been brainwashed by the cheap, easy, convenient ways of the world. i am like a phoenix rising to that idea... i am so passionate about it i almost want to send this with a little fire attachment to get the message across ;) if you have questions about tools please ask in the comment boxes.. i am sure everyone has the same or similar questions. it's basic: get things you love, that feel good to you and the mama earth, if it's cheap question why, start to value what you buy... lean more towards wood and steel. see you in the kitchenxxx