warm chard salad.
warming salads are the way to go to get your greens in during the colder months as our bellies are more equipped to deal with them.... and they are just gorgeous... i can't get enough chard...i am almost having an affair with it: i love how it grows out of the ground so tall & proud, how many colors it has & shares with us, how strong & confident the stem is as it holds up the round, lush leaves of it's upper body...if i had to compare it to something we know (and you know i want to) it would be like an audrey hepburn green...sophisticated & always dressed for a night out on the ground. are you getting the picture? ok...then match it with some abundant & fertile pomegranate seeds mixed with a pinch of deep earthiness from the pinenuts and you have an amazing side salad. you can join it with some purple fancy rice or any rice or anything for that matter....as this baby can sit anywhere on the plate...this is also a beautiful thanksgiving side as it's really easy to create, matches all the themes in color and season & is desperately needed to digest all the stuffing, turkey etc... how is it done? oh. right. in a medium saute pan on medium heat: drop some olive oil... then a medium chopped onion... and allow the glaze to happen.. wait & stir (every now and then) for about 5 minutes.. you will begin to smell when the glaze has done it's thing.. add pomegranate seeds and pinenuts (you can also toast these on a baking sheet in the oven and add at the end if you prefer)....allow them to get to know each other.. and then add the chard...put the lid on for a few minutes so everything can come down from the excitement ;) then open it up and stir the love around. you will know when it's ready to go....yum...see you in the kitchenxxx