so... what is renaissance mamas? i come to your kitchen & connect these pieces...we resuscitate you in your kitchen, get it pumping again as it's the heart beat of your home. we organize, we shui, we shop, we cook, we connect, we gather, we create, we birth, we reinspire you so that you are ready to do it on your own. my sweet friend calls me the kitchen intuitive....that feels right. she wrote this about what i am up to....
My pal Jules is a wonderful kitchen intuitive who lives to meet the emergent needs of the individual/family in the privacy of their kitchens. She can come to your kitchens and do everything from organizing every bullion cube and tea bag in your pantry to making your kitchen functional AND magazine-esque to preparing a few days worth of organic meals for you and your family. So... instead of ordering takeout, take in something rustic, local and gourmet. If you think you can't cook Jules wants to teach you. If you are in a rut Jules will return you to inspiration (and the farmer's market) so you can cook with joyful reckless abandon. If you want to learn to compost, she'll even green you. Whether you taste her once or crave her week to week, give her as a gift to yourself, a new mom, bachelor, or cherished friend. Jules also caters small, heart-centered affairs.
i am looking forward to creating & cooking for you... see you soonxxx