what's cooking in my kitchen lately....

yummy favas... i have done a few things with these... i put them in the cuisinart with cinnamon basil & goat cheese...which made for a rustic fava chutney of sorts that i put on some pretzel baguette with tomatoes & pinenuts...also - a simple saute with some little onions & leeks is so good too...

carmelized carrots on the stove...start with little yellow onions & leeks...glazing them for about 15- 20 minutes on medium heat....then add the carrots with some water... boil... then back down to medium to soak up all the water...about 45 minutes in total. 

apricot & peach roasted chicken with cumin & cinnamon...massage with love & put it in the oven at 400 for about 45 minutes...best facts on how to roast a chicken...just plain and simple (then you can add what you want...) is in the joy of cooking

pine nut pizza on corn meal crust with tomatoes, goat cheese & love.

almond cupcakes with matcha tea icing...
out of one of my favorite baking books baked...2 guys in brooklyn.. gotta love it. 

my first clafoutis... look out for more as i am making 2 this weekend...
i will give the recipe in the next blog.... can't wait to share it with youxxx