::::::::::WOOD BOARD LOVE::::::::::
if my work had a thesis
wood board love
would be the title
it is the map, the compass, the seeds
in which i continue to grow & discover the
space to talk about
our food story, our kitchens
healing, our hunger & how we
nourish ourselves.
at the end of the day, it's a great place to start.
i am inspired by the board
i cut up whatever has been gathered
from the
seasonal wardrobe and
before i know it
we are creating
delicious concoctions
i would have
never put together!
it's definitely a family affair
there is no pressure &
no energy other than
the beauty
from the board, from the source
there is nothing to say
the only thing to do is EAT
(possibly moan)
and try things old and new
i always say...
gather like you are having a party
celebrate nourishing you
DO NOT WAIT for the party
(because you are the party)
then call me in the morning
check out wood board love sessions
& kitchen healing
all shapes and sizes